Photo Credits: Aufbauwortschatz Deutsch-English. Stuttgart, Federal Republic o f Germany, Published by Klett Edition Deutsch, M unich, Federal Republic o f Germany. The title o f the German book is Thematischer Grund- und Aufbauwortschatz Deutsch-English. All Asian Gay Boy Melken Milk Massage Ohne Gummi reserved. No part o f this book may be reproduced in any form, by photostat, microfilm, xerography, or any other means, or incorporated into any information retrieval system, without the written perm ission of the copyright owner. Photo Credits Superstock, pp. Library o f Congress Catalog Num ber International Standard Book Num ber Criminal Acts and Behaviors 11 Human Abilities 12 Human Speech A cts Talking Informing Questions and Answers Praising, Blaming, Regretting, and Comforting Agreeing, Refusing, and Denying Wishing, Asking, Thanking, and Apologizing Requesting, Commanding, and Warning Forbidding and Allowing Confirming and Restricting 13 Values General Opinions Positive Assessments Negative Values 14 Family and Relatives Family Relations Partnership and Marriage 15 Human Beings in Society Social Contacts Appointments Greeting, Introducing, Saying Goodbye Acting in a Social Context Property The vocabulary in this dictionary is organized into small units, according to subjects. It consists Asian Gay Boy Melken Milk Massage Ohne Gummi 5, key German words, broken down into 41 areas containing 3, basic vocabulary words and 2, building-block vocabulary words. There is also a helpful, easy-to-understand grammatical appendix. The 41 subject areas are divided into separate sections. The gender o f the German nouns can be identified through the article. Each section in the individual chapters consists o f the basic vocabulary word followed by the building-block vocabulary words, which are shown in the gray-shaded areas o f the text. It is particularly im portant that you work through the basic vocabulary words before moving on to the building- block words. There are different approaches you can take in using this book. For instance, you can study the individual chapters in the order in which they appear here, since the lists have been presented in a logical order. O r you can decide which chapter to study first and when to cover each area. You can determine which subject areas you feel are most important for your own needs— or which seem the most interesting. You can then study those areas, skipping over other subject areas until a later date. Finally, a third approach may be to start with short study units that do not contain more than 15 vocabulary words and then go on to longer units. W hichever approach you take, however, be sure to go back now and then and review what you have already studied. To summarize, what makes this book fun, easy to use, and helpful? Note: Germ an vowels are closer— more precise, m ore clearly defined and less drawn-out— than their English counterparts. Our uncle is a nice man. Maxim is an unusual name. Mein Name ist Schulz. My last name is Schulz. Is your husband home yet? Klaus ist ein freundlicher junger Mann. Klaus is a friendly young man. Hello, Mr. Sag dem Herrn dort guten Tag. Say hello to the gentleman. Meine Frau ist mit den Kindern My wife has gone on a trip with the verreist. Anne ist eine sehr attraktive Frau. Anne is a very attractive woman. Frau Müller ist leider nicht zu Unfortunately, Mrs. Müller is sprechen.
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