All All. Sign In. Academy Award for Best Actor Winners. List activity. Emil Jannings. Actor Producer Art Department Faust His real name was Theodor Friedrich Emil Janenz, and in the early s, he was already working in the theater under Max Reinhardt 's company. Important movies where he defined himself as a convincing actor were Passion and Quo Vadis? Inhe became the first male leading actor to receive the academy award for The Last Command directed by Josef von Sternberg. InStenberg directed him in his world famous movie The Blue Angel aka The Blue Angel co-starring the young Marlene Dietrich her first role. Later on, he concentrated on theater and dedicated his acting skills to the Nazi regime and also took part in the realization of Ohm Krüger inan expensive anti-British film production. When the Second World War ended, the US government cleaned his image, and he converted to Catholicism. He played in a few more German movies, but his career never recaptured its brilliance. Warner Baxter. Actor Soundtrack Penthouse Warner Baxter claimed to have an early pre-disposition toward show business: "I discovered a boy a block away who would eat worms and swallow flies Alec Danes Gay Porn a penny. For one-third of the profits, I exhibited him in a tent. He went on to star with Myrna Loy in Penthouse and to what many consider his best role, that of the doctor who treated Abraham Lincoln 's assassin, in The Prisoner of Shark Island Inafter slipping into a string of B-pictures, he began his Dr. Ordway "Crime Doctor" series with Crime Doctor He had suffered a nervous breakdown, and these pictures were easy on him studio sets for one month, two films a year. Following a lobotomy to relieve pains of arthritis, he died of pneumonia. George Arliss. Actor Writer Soundtrack Disraeli One of the oldest actors on the screen in the s and s, George Arliss starred on the London stage from an early age. He came to the United States and starred in several films, but it was his role as British Prime Minister Benjamin Alec Danes Gay Porn in Disraeli that brought him his greatest success. Lionel Barrymore. Actor Director Writer It's a Wonderful Life Famed actor, composer, artist, author and director. His talents extended to the authoring of the novel "Mr. Cartonwine: A Moral Tale" as well as his autobiography. Wallace Beery. Actor Director Writer Grand Hotel Inyear-old Wallace Beery joined the Ringling Brothers Circus as an assistant to the elephant trainer. He left two years later after a leopard clawed his arm. Beery next went to New York, where he found work in musical variety shows. He became a leading man in musicals and appeared on Broadway and in traveling stock companies. In he headed for Hollywood, where he would get his start as the hulking Swedish maid in the Sweedie comedy series for Essanay. A year later they would marry and be wildly unhappy together. The marriage dissolved when Beery could not control his drinking and Gloria got tired of his abuse.
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