Your datebook and party planner for going out and partying in Frankfurt's gay scene. Find queer events, gay and lesbian parties and events. Gay party and event calendar for Frankfurt! Dates today, for this week or the party weekend. Bingo Lucky's. Every last Friday of the month, the LGBT community meets for bingo night at Frankfurt's gay bar Lucky's. Bingo evening Lucky's FFM: Friday August 30, from pm to am. Recommended by Pinky. This location guarantees you can be who you are! FKK Party Saunawerk. Gay nudist party Saunawerk: every Friday from pm. Ballroom - Code Queer. Ballroom - Code Queer 2 year birthday Fortuna Somewhere Frankfurt: Friday October 4, from pm. GRIND Party. Several times a year it's kinky, fetish, disco. GRIND Party - kinky queer sexy Tokonoma Club Frankfurt: Saturday January 11, from pm. Saunawerk After-Party. After the party off to the gay sauna! Between and am the entrance to the sauna plant costs only 18 EUR. Gay Sauna After-Hour: always Saturday, Sunday and holidays between and am. Queer Paradise Gay Fetisch Club In Frankfurt Joely White. Queer Paradise the cult party series in Frankfurt am Main. Queer Paradise XMAS EDITION by Joely White Elfer Club Franklfurt: Saturday December 21, from pm. Schaumparty Metropol Sauna. Gay Foam Party Metropol Sauna: Every Tuesday and Friday from pm and Sunday from pm. TWIST Weekend WarmUp. Celebrate Friday at the Twist Bar Frankfurt! Gay Bar at the Konstablerwache with Weekend WarmUp Party and Happy Hour from pm. Weekend WarmUp Twist Bar Frankfurt: Every Friday from pm, happy hour between pm and pm. Twinks Spezial Metropol. Also valid for pupils, students or trainees over Gay Sauna Twinks Spezial Metropol-Sauna Frankfurt: Every Gay Fetisch Club In Frankfurt between midday and midnight. Bearlounge Lucky's. Every first Saturday the bears community meets at Lucky's Frankfurt. The evening for all those who like it a bit more bearish! Bearlounge Lucky's: First Saturday of every month from pm to am. Every Wednesday, the gay bar Lucky's offers selected long drinks in the happy hour for only 5,50 Euros. LongDrink HappyHour Lucky's FFM: Every Wednesday from pm. Planetromeo Party. Discounted admission for Planetromeo Club members. Admission only 18 EUR, under 25 only 13 EUR. Planetromeo Party Saunawerk: every last Saturday of the month from pm to midnight, foam party between pm and midnight. Queerfilmnacht Mal Seh'n. Queer Film Night Mal Seh'n Kino Frankfurt: Wednesday January 22, at pm. APPROVED Grande Opera.
Special offer: Half liter of beer for only 1 euro. Saunawerk After-Party. Admission only 18 EUR, under 25 only 13 EUR. Taking pictures is not allowed at any kind of GRIND Event, expect on our open air festivals. LongDrink HappyHour Lucky's FFM: Every Wednesday from pm. APPROVED Grande Opera.
Bingo @ Lucky's
Laden für Men´s Lifestyle + Fetish Gear. Brückenstraße D Frankfurt am Main. Leder & Fetisch. Die Grande Opera liegt in Offenbach (einer Stadt neben Frankfurt) und ist die „Heimat der Fetisch- und BDSM-Leute“, die jeden willkommen heißt. Ruff Gear. Im letzten Jahr wurde der Stall Fetisch Club runderneuert und modernisiert. Gay Leder & Fetisch in Frankfurt am Main. Samstag, APPROVED, die Fetischparty des FLC ab 21 Uhr @grande_opera Eintritt €18,- (Bar/cash only) FLC & LFC Mitglieder €10,- (Vorlage. Zur Zeit Frankfurts einziger Gay-Treffpunkt für die Leder- und Fetischszene.Gay nudist party Saunawerk: every Friday from pm. Der Darkroom befindet sich im UG neben dem Mainfloor. Bear Sauna Saunawerk Frankfurt: Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month from noon to am. Die Veranstaltung darf erst ab 18 Jahren besucht werden. Ausnahmen ausgeschlossen Muttizettel etc. Es werden Ausweiskontrollen am Einlass stattfinden. Ballroom - Code Queer. The trendy gay bar Lucky's in Frankfurt am Main invites you to a karaoke evening. Zum Inhalt springen APPROVED ist die im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes bewährte Party des FLC für die schwule Fetish- und BDSM-Community. Get Ticket! Youngster Sauna Day in Frankfurt: Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month for boys up to 28 years only 10 EUR admission. Wir haben einen Fotograf vor Ort der gerne von euch Bilder macht. Frankfurt GRIND Frankfurt. Wir haben immer ausreichend kontingent an Tickets für euch an der Abendkasse. Here you can find our hotspots. Doubledecker Metropol-Sauna Frankfurt: Every Wednesday from noon to am. OktoberEinlass ab Golden Hour Metropol-Sauna. Abendkasse Wir haben immer ausreichend kontingent an Tickets für euch an der Abendkasse. Also valid for pupils, students or trainees over Queer Paradise the cult party series in Frankfurt am Main. Theme nights with karaoke, drag, LongDrink and cocktail HappyHour. Fotos Wir haben einen Fotograf vor Ort der gerne von euch Bilder macht. This location guarantees you can be who you are! Planetromeo Party Saunawerk: every last Saturday of the month from pm to midnight, foam party between pm and midnight. Juliane door.