It should also be noted that Elizabeth Dole, president of the American Red Cross, and wife of former Sen. Bob Dole, revealed that the official death records from Auschwitz had been uncovered in the Soviet Archives. It listed 70, deaths from all causes. Madagascar is a vast island off the coast of Africa in the Indian Ocean, then owned by France. Thousands of pages of German documents have been located providing a thorough study of the feasibility of establishing a Jewish homeland on the island of Madagascar. Plans were made for the reimbursement of the 25, French citizens who lived there. Even the government of France studied the plan. Theodore Herzl, the founder of Zionism, considered Madagascar a possible site for a Jewish state. He also considered Kenya, Africa, the Sinai from the Suez Canal to the Gaza Strip, and a huge area in southern Poland, but they really wanted Palestine. In Auschwitz Notebooks, we read that all of the top German leadership supported this plan. Himmler himself had dreamed of that sincea witness assures us. After the armistice of June surrender of Francethe idea was propounded by the Foreign Ministry and approved by Himmler as well as by Hitler himself. For these reasons SS official Reinhard Heydrich organized the Central Office for Jewish Emigration on February 11, Once the war began, this was no longer possible. Thus Hitler ordered the internment of Jews as enemy aliens and deported them to the east. The best thing is that they go to Russia. Roosevelt did the same thing as Hitler by orderingAmericans of Japanese descent living on the West Coast interned in concentration camps. Auschwitz was a massive military-industrial complex of 39 camps of which 19 mainly employed Jews. The second in economic importance was the Lodz ghetto because it manufactured all kinds of goods, and, in particular, its textile industries constituted support of great value to the German economy. Heinrich Himmler feared a typhus epidemic in the camps. Eastern European Jews were very unhygienic and were often blamed for the spread of typhus. The death rate had indeed been reduced from 8. The Jews were vital to the German war industry. It would have been counter productive to exterminate them. In fact, the SS arrested Karl Koch, commandant of Buchenwald, for mistreating and unjustly executing some prisoners. After being found guilty by a military court, Koch was sentenced to death and shot. An example is Dachau. Some 54 died in January and in February When food and medical supplies could not be delivered due to Allied bombings, 2, died in January and 3, in February The doors are closed hermetically and the long asphyxiation of the victims by the steam begins. At the start, screams came from inside, they die down slowly; after 15 minutes, the executions are completed. This story was not believable. The Soviets came up with a novel idea of how the Jews were exterminated at the Belzec camp. They were led in fact into a building that could hold hundreds of people. The water was filled up to their Gay Boys Werden Extrem Hart Mit Blutigen Striemen Gepeitscht. Then a powerful electric current was sent into the metal flooring and within a few seconds all the Jews, thousands at a time, were dead. Soviet prosecutor L. Smirnov actually read this accusation into the record at the December 19,session of the Nuremberg trial. This was a widely used pesticide to kill lice which was the biggest health threat in the camps.
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Die erste Phase
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