Search Search. Menü Contact Legal Notice Checkout Shopping cart 0 Article. You do not have any products in your shopping cart yet. Wishlist 0 Article. Main page Tom-of-Finland Gay Sex-Toys. Tom-of-Finland Gay Sex-Toy buy in Switzerland: Tom-of-Finland gay sex-toys buy : Tom-of-Finland sex-toys is an exclusive line of erotic toys based on the iconic images of this pop culture creator. Tom-of-Finland is considered the father of homoerotic fetish art. With his seductive images of hyper-male gays, Tom-of-Finland has a major influence on global community culture. Tom-of-Finland has sex toys with erotic art to buy so that the positive message of Tom's work can be enjoyed and shared. Tom-of-Finland gay sex toys almost always come with a free collector's card or a Tom dog tag. Tom-of-Finland gay sex-toys buy in Switzerland low-priced at Fetischladen CH online store! All categories Anal Vibrators vibrating Butt Plugs Anal-Beads Anal-Chains BDSM Sex Furniture Love Swings Gay Fuck Quicky Stattlich Weights Nipples Labia Testicles Bed Sheets Bed-Covers Belts Hooks Bondage Accessories Butt Plugs w. Vibration Prostate Vibrators Sexual Sensitivity Products Silicone Butt Plugs TPR TPE Latex Dildos Vacuum-Pumps Vacuum Suckers Wrist-Cuffs Leather PU-Leather Rubber. Sort by A to Z Z to A Price in ascending order Price in descending order Newest products first Oldest products first Most selling products. Items per page 10 items per page 25 items per page 50 items per page items per page Show all items. Show 1 to 10 of in total 36 products. Anal-Beads Silicone Gay Fuck Quicky Stattlich. Metal Core "Weighted Anal Balls". These really huge and heavy anal balls from Tom of Finland are internally weighted, with a silicone skin and convenient retrieval cord. The steel balls inside provide weight and resistance, while the silicone provides a smooth feel and easily sterilized exterior. The easy retrieval cord has a finger loop, also made of premium silicone. These anal-beads comes with 14 cm x 5. Shipping costs. Anal-Vibrator Penis shaped "Tom-of-Finland 5X" Silicone. Anal-vibrator penis shaped "Tom-of-Finland 5X" silicone: This large, battery-powered silicone vibrator features 5 speed modes packed into a non-porous skin. The semi phallic shape and ribbed shaft are perfect for anal stimulation. Comes with Bed Sheet inflatable "Tom Water Sports". Waterproof bed sheet from Tom of Finland for slippery-wet sexgames like NURU, oil- and lotion massage, watersports and wrestling, protects your bed or floors. Comes in x cm size, the edges inflate up to 14 cm height. Butt Plug ribbed Silicone "Tom-of-Finland Screw-U". Plug up your ass with this enormous and unique plug by Tom of Finland artworks! Press the tapered tip into your anus and begin the process of Gay Fuck Quicky Stattlich it into your hole! No screwdriver is required, but your man will love stuffing you full of this deviously designed, spiral ribbed, huge anal toy. Made of premium silicone, comes with 19 cm x 7 cm insertable size. Butt Plug Silicone "Tom-of-Finland" large. Butt plug silicone "Tom-of-Finland" large: This is a classically shaped, large butt plug with a strong suction cup base, it adheres to all smooth surfaces. Like all Tom-of-Finland silicone toys, it is made from premium silicone. Butt Plug Silicone "Tom-of-Finland" medium. Butt plug silicone "Tom-of-Finland" medium: This is a classically shaped, medium-sized butt plug with a strong suction cup base, it adheres to all smooth surfaces. Comes with 7. Butt Plug Silicone "Tom-of-Finland" X-large. Butt plug silicone "Tom-of-Finland" X-large: This is a classically shaped, impressive large butt plug for advanced users with anal-sex-toys. He comes with a strong suction cup base, it adheres to all smooth surfaces.
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