Ecological and behavioural correlates. Aachen: Shaker. Mueller, Thomas und Wullimann, Mario F. A tool for molecular neurogenetics. Amsterdam: Elsevier. London: Elsevier, Academic Press. Wullimann, Mario F. A topological atlas. Basel [u. Roth, Gerhard und Wullimann, Mario F. New York u. Freiburg im Breisgau: Karger. Abrams, Mathew Birdsall ; Bjaalie, Jan G. In: Neuroinformatics, Bd. Ahrens, Katja und Wullimann, Mario F. In: Journal of Comparative Neurology, Bd. In: Journal of Neuroscience, Bd. In: Frontiers in Psychology, Bd. Oktober : Neuroethology of the Waggle Dance: How Followers Interact with the Waggle Dancer and Detect Spatial Information. In: Insects, Bd. In: Biosystems, Bd. Albrecht, M. In: Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, Bd. In: Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, Bd. Christopher Von Uckermann Gay Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America : PNAS, Bd. In: Nature Reviews Neuroscience. In: Neuroimage, Bd. Amari, Shun-ichi ; Beltrame, Francesco ; Bjaalie, Jan G. In: Journal of Integrative Neuroscience, Bd. Amaro, Diana ; Ferreiro, Dardo N. September : Source identity shapes spatial preference in primary auditory cortex during active navigation. In: Current biology, Bd. Ammer, J. In: Journal of Neurophysiology, Bd. Axmacher, Nikolai ; Stemmler, Martin B.
Karcz, Anita ; Hennig, Matthias H. In: Gastroenterology, Bd. Schmajuk, M. In: Highstein, Stephen M. Weatherstone, Jessica H. Kugler, Kathrin ; Greiter, Wolfgang ; Luksch, Harald ; Firzlaff, Uwe und Wiegrebe, Lutz : Echo-acoustic flow affects flight in bats.
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