About Us Privacy Policy Removal Request. Visit Tumblr Blog. Explore Tumblr blogs with no restrictions, modern design and the best experience. Last Seen Tumblr Blogs. Fun Fact. Mobile Tumblr US users spend an average of 4. Can you draw Moomin and Snufkin kissing each other under a misteletoe the metal Moomin version. So, welcome. I draw mostly fanarts, comics, mostly focused on ships or on a story with sprinkles of a ship here and there. Can be wholesome or angst so be ready. Sometimes I post WIPs. I really want in the future to do original stuff too. I also want to learn to make a video game, so I'm practicing on a short story I wrote and you could see sometimes here and there progress on that. Gay Drag Fuck Tumblr to oldest. Other characters present. Other ships present. A reverse AU where Byakuya is obsessed with Toko. It's represented like in the game. It's up to interpretation if you want it to end as a ship or not. Is it different from the other monster Au? It sounds cool whatever it is! Your speciality is monsters, who lack the self-confidence to actually scare anyone. HE'S the one who's scared. It was a dark, cloudy day, a dramatic soul such as Moominpapa would even go so far as to call it foreboding. The air was heavy with moisture and the clouds were dark, threatening to rain. It was the only time Moominvalley grew dark and silent. The only sound that could be heard for miles was the wind blowing, creating soft whispers that sounded like voices. The trees had strange shadows that resembled hands, reaching out to capture anyone wandering the forest. He loved the silence, it gave him time to think. He thought about things he would normally never dare to in the Moomin household. He thought about the smell of rain, and wondered if it would thunder. He then imagined Sniff all alone in his home, cowering from the storm. It made Moomin laugh. Sniff had always been such a fearful creature. Moominpapa had once told him that it was fear that helped keep Sniff safe. Moomin continued to walk with no destination or purpose in mind. His thoughts drifted away from Sniff and the Moomin household and instead he thought about adventure, danger, and the unknown. Moomin liked the thought of danger but so rarely did he get to experience it. Moomin wished he could Gay Drag Fuck Tumblr that sense of danger that would make his fur stand on end and his ears and tail would tingle in excitement. But it was wishful thinking at best. Nothing exciting ever happened in Moominvalley, in fact the most exciting thing that Moomin could think of was Moomin stopped and sniffed the air in confusion.
You gasp for air, the pungent yellowed sock stuffed in your mouth not only nearly obstructs your already stressed airway, but it fills your mouth with the sour, slimy taste of it's owner's rank footsweat. Nein, denn während auf palästinensischer Seite mehr als Sam nickte mehr ging nicht so sehr er auch wollte auch wenn es geil war die Situation aus den Fesseln wollte er raus endlich geil abspritzen also nickte er in Hoffnung eine geile Session steht bevor. So du Sau nun gehörst du mir. He sure had grown in the last year.
Warning: Hard Kink (BDSM, Hyperscent, Gay Skinhead)
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