In den Nebenrollen: Kelly, Dylan, Skinnys Tochter, Peters Patentochter, diverse OCs und canon Charaktere; Soziale Arbeit, Queerness, soziale Probleme und natürlich die Spannung, die entsteht, wenn man sich zehn Jahre nicht gesehen hat, einander immer noch nicht leiden kann Und dabei vielleicht ungeplant Gefühle entwickelt. Desire for Peace Webcomic. I was looking back at Hermes' myths, and I forgot how head over heels he was for Pan when he was born until now. Pan was abandoned by his mother, but Hermes was all giddy and excited from how cute he thought Pan was that he immediately wrapped him up and brought him back to Olympus to show him off. I do imagine raising him was quite the experience; Pan constantly trying to headbutt Hermes, eat everything in sight including clothes, climbing up cliff walls, and more goat things. But Hermes adored him regardless. Leverage s05e09 THE RUNDOWN JOB. I'm trying to figure out a good way to say "you really should actually learn the basics of small talk" with sounding like I'm biased against autistic people. I see a Boy Gay Kotzen Tumblr of neurodivergent people talk about small talk as this baffling and meaningless waste of time that neurotypicals do for some unknown reason, and as an autistic person in an industry that is extremely based on building relationships and engaging with others, I've actually found a few really key important pieces to small talk. Small talk can make interactions feel less mercenary or transactional. Having even brief exchanges about something beyond the reason that you're interacting can make it feel less like the only goal of the interaction. Especially for relationships that are not fully transactional e. Small talk can be a way to find commonalities Boy Gay Kotzen Tumblr help bridge cultural or power divides. Recently I was on a call with a couple of Indian colleagues, and while we were waiting for everyone else to join I asked them where they lived in India. They didn't expect that I had heard of it, but I knew it because my dad had traveled there for work every couple months for a year or so, so we could chat about it briefly. Even for a couple of minutes, we were able to connect on this unexpected commonality. If I hadn't had that connection, I would have been able to learn about somewhere, helping narrow the privilege gap of them being expected to know more about where I live than I am about where they live. Small talk can show knowledge about a person, which both builds connections and indicates that you see their life as important enough to remember about. The stereotypical "How's the wife? Small talk can ease tension and reduce pressure from others, especially in a professional setting if more junior members are expected to speak. Especially for junior staff members, it can be difficult to be the first person to talk and break the silence, so engaging in small talk beforehand allows for a lower-pressure transition from silence to whatever the presentation is about. Small talk provides a low-risk way to identify commonalities. While conversations about religion, politics, etc. A conversation about the weather can reveal that you both like hiking when it's nice out; a conversation about the weekend can reveal that you both have family in the same state. Small talk in many cases is signaling, a way to indicate certain things to people. It's a more indirect version of it than many autistic people like, but it is one. Bonus: If I buy a book I get to keep it! The publisher can't turn up at my house at random and confiscate all the books I bought. Working on something new! Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote or drew and tag Boy Gay Kotzen Tumblr many people as there are words or as many as you feel like. The gynecologist was surprised to learn I wanted an IUD because apparently another trans guy just recently told her, very confidently, that he can't get pregnant because T makes you infertile. Same goes for my girlies out there. You're not shooting blanks. HRT is not birth control. That is not birth control. A person who has been open with you about struggling with infertility may turn up to the next function with a baby, because infertile people frequently and cheerfully go on to have children. Finally: Infertility is not birth control even for people who are infertile.
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