Jump to ratings and reviews. Want to read. Rate this book. Genres Fiction LGBT Queer Historical Fiction Classics Historical Lesbian Loading interface About the author. Mary Renault 28 books 1, followers. Mary Renault was an English writer best known for her historical novels set in Ancient Greece. In addition to vivid fictional portrayals of Theseus, Socrates, Plato and Alexander the Great, she wrote a non-fiction biography of Alexander. Her historical novels are all set in ancient Greece. They include a pair of novels about the mythological hero Theseus and a trilogy about the career of Alexander the Great. In a sense, The Charioteerthe story of two young gay servicemen in the s who try to model their relationship on the ideals expressed in Plato's Phaedrus and Symposium, is a warm-up for Renault's historical novels. By turning away from the 20th century and focusing on stories about male lovers in the warrior societies of ancient Greece, Renault no longer had to deal with homosexuality and anti-gay prejudice as social "problems". Instead she was free to focus on larger ethical and philosophical concerns, while examining the nature of love and leadership. The Charioteer could not be published in the U. Write a Review. Create a free account to discover what your friends think of this book! Community Reviews. Search review text. Displaying 1 - 30 of reviews. I think this is Renault's only contemporary novel it's set in ; she wrote it during WWII and maybe? The Vintage edition includes an afterword Renault wrote inwhich is interesting but rather annoying because she mostly uses it as a soapbox to tell the younger LGB to stop marching around demanding that everyone respect their differences. She frames this as an explanation of why she wrote The Friendly Young Ladies -- she wanted to show that people in same-sex relationships were perfectly capable of getting through life without grand tragedy a la The Well of Lonelinessand that in the light of great suffering such as that caused by war, she couldn't feel sorry for herself for being different in a way that she could so easily downplay in front of Gay Baby In Fader heterosexuals. What a nice generation gap, Mary Renault! Lillian Faderman's Gay Baby In Fader annoyed me just about as much, though. Look Dr. Faderman: if someone is in a long-term open relationship with another woman, and both women have affairs with men for the first 14 years of this relationship, and then they stop that and live together monogamously for the rest of their lives, and during all of this they refuse to identify as lesbians and call themselves bisexuals instead any chance you could really respect that instead of sounding so skeptical about it? Anyway, the story. It starts off focusing on Elsie, a painfully naive seventeen-year-old girl who decides to run away from her horrible parents and find her older sister, who also ran away from home. Elsie imagines that Leo will have grown up into one of the varieties of sophisticated woman categorized in the romance novels Elsie reads. But she finds that Leo hasn't changed at all from the tomboy she remembers; Leo still loves messing about in boats and makes a living by writing trashy Westerns under a male pseudonym. She lives in a houseboat with the actually sophisticated Helen, a technical illustrator of surgical procedures. The other two characters of importance are men -- Peter, a young doctor whose favorite method in treating women is to make them fall in love with him, and who has utterly succeeded with Elsie; and Joe, an adventurous, empathetic novelist and Leo's best friend. Much of The Friendly Young Ladies is an absolute masterwork of double meanings. Helen and Leo are a perfect team in giving Elsie what she needs while protecting their relationship and in getting exactly what they want out of Peter without giving him anything more than he deserves which is very little. They, and the way Renault writes about them, are brilliant and hilarious. The rest of The Friendly Young Ladies is more difficult -- it's about Leo's relationship with Joe. I thought that what happens in this part of the story was quite ambiguous, but both afterwords discuss it as though it's more firmly established that Leo will leave Helen for Joe. I was surprised by this because I thought that the way Renault describes Leo's crying at the end over Helen's dress that she's found while packing up her own clothes -- first "like the Gay Baby In Fader of a beaten boy" and then "the tears of a woman" -- could mean Gay Baby In Fader she changed her mind in the middle, and the later tears were crying for the loss of Joe.
Elsie only gets up the spunk to make a break for it because she's fallen for the local doctor, Peter, an utterly charming cad who encourages her to develop herself more. She's not the poster girl for queer positivity, coming up with lines like "For another thing, I don't feel separate from the herd, if by the herd you mean ordinary people and not public mobs, as I suppose you do. The ending the last fifty pages or so were tender and heartfelt. EuroPride in Wien Foto: Josie Fraser, unter CC BY-SA 4. Deine zuletzt angesehenen Artikel und besonderen Empfehlungen.
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